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crystalis methodists

Performance various club events; Glasgow, Scotland

Images taken from live performance; The Glasgow School of Art Degree Show Party June 2015. Photo Credits: Daisy Douglas

Chrysalis Methodists, 2015.jpg

Performance duo for club spaces by Laura Fisher & FRAN.K

Seething, thriving, glittering.
One androgynous body.

Dance, music, live visual art.

"Chain yer filthy souls to the sound system and give over yer shimmering, seething, dancing bodies to the addictive, glittering liquid of the music.


Straddle the place between masculine and feminine.The wild and the captive. One heel in desire and one in repulsion. The fucked and the fucker. The icon and the ostracised. And all the delicious bits in-between."

Dancing. Glitter. Music. Parties.
Viscous moves. Tragic get up. C
ystalis Methodists x

Crystalis Methodists are a performance duo by Laura Fisher & FRAN.K. Crystalis Methodists provide live visuals for music and DJ sets through two live bodies that move as one.

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